Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Well....some of you have been waiting....

for some very exciting news and I'm here to tell you -

it's a BOY!

Pictures to follow. I'm at the library right now and I was going to post them here, but the public computer wouldn't let me do it - so you have to just deal with that for now! He's a mover and a shaker - a non-stop mover and a shaker - takes right after his daddy!

Names to come when he gets here. We've got a couple names picked out but are waiting to see his cute little munchkin face before we decide for sure - so don't worry about that right now!!!

Have a great day!

Excitement reigns in the Tundra!



Unknown said...

I am glad it is a boy!! So exciting!!!!! He is so cute already. Oh the FUN to come.

Anonymous said...

I AM IN LOVE!!!!!!
Grandma J

Rhonda said...

Congrats, girlie! I am so excited for you guys. Boys are a hoot! I want to see pictures of you now ;). I bet you are one precious pregnant mama.