Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Updates on.....Life......

Well, here's how the story goes. I don't know when was the last time I updated you on life. But I just had another ultra sound yesterday and the tech just gave me a picture, not a cd, so I was trying to scan it in so that you could see my 37 week old baby! But the scan did not turn out too good, so you are going to have to trust me on this one - he is the cutest baby that you've ever seen in the whole entire world! He's up to 6lbs. 12oz. give or take half a lb. or so. That means in the next three weeks, he may gain up to a half a lb. each week coming into the world at a whopping 8 and a half lbs. Of course, that's all speculation. Nothing in this world is for sure! Well, maybe a couple things, but I'm not really going to wax philosophical on you right now. That just wouldn't be right on this absolutely perfect ND day! What can I say - it might take a while for summer to get to the Tundra, but when it does - watch out!!! My computer registers 78 degrees right now and I'm wilting away inside.

I started MOPS this morning. I know a few of you may think I'm being a little too premature, but a girl has got to prepare herself, you know? Anyway, speaking of all this baby-ness - I'm assuming I can make this big announcement since she did on Facebook - and we all know that when the announcement goes on Facebook - it's official!!! Sam's sister Katie is expecting a little guy/gal!!! That's right - the beginning of April will be welcoming another little peanut into the Coleman Clan. How exciting is that???? She's 10 weeks now and ready for the morning sickness to subside, but otherwise perfectly excited and happy about the new little life growing in her! So congrats to Katie and Mike Montplaisir in the upcoming birth of #1!!!

Well, I just got a call from the Love of my life - by the way, he's got a lot on his plate right now - if you could say a little prayer for him, I'd really appreciate it! Anyway, he's on his way to pick me up - so I'll check in again later!!! Have a great day - hope yours is as beautiful as mine!

Soaking up the Sun in the Tundra,


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