Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Birthday musings....

Do you just love your birthday? I used to. I don't know what the turning tide was. When I was little, it was like the best holiday of the year, seriously! My mom did up birthdays big! I always woke up with a bouquet of fresh flowers from the garden on my bedside table - special breakfast, special dinner - usually swimming all day with some friends... Those were the simple days. Then you grow up. You realize, you never did anything really special - being born - it's more something you are subject to rather than accomplishing, don't ya think? Sam decided that birthdays were so depressing, we would start giving presents to other people instead of focusing on ourselves... I'm not too prepared this year. I guess it snuck (turns out that's not a word, but work with me!) up on me! Birthdays have always been depressing for him because his birthday is in January and he's never wanted to get older. I never really even thought about the older part - I just knew it was one of those things that was all about me! But birthdays, I have decided are what you make them out to be!!!! So even though I don't have presents for all my loved ones around me, I want to say to all those dear, precious friends and family who do so much to make me feel so special and loved and accepted despite my many faults, thank you. Thank you for investing in my life and blessing me beyond my wildest imagination! Thank you for keeping up with me even though I live in a land far, far away and you send me such beautiful emails, comments and facebook messages. I couldn't go on without you! And to my Lord and Savior - for without You, I wouldn't have the breath to carry on each moment. My heart overflows.

Soon, I hope to have some funny stories to pass along to you. For now, you'll just have to imagine a 7 foot sand castle - and digging out the 1 foot moat with an oar!!! (More adventures of Curly and Moe!) Until next time...

Celebrating a birthday in the Tundra,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! I thought you were another one of the July Birthday's. I am not sure but it seems that everyone has a Birthday in July. Maybe it is because you notice those things when it is your Birthday month too.
Hope your day was good. I enjoy reading your postings. I am glad to hear your mom is doing well. I am keeping her in my prayers. My father will have his surgery on the 8th of August for the Thyroid Cancer.
Take care,